How to Move your Clients to the Cloud: Step by Step Details

Today, Cloudnetworkusa with a new article on how to move your clients to the cloud. This is an important topic for all Cloud users, so if you are one of them read this article, and enhance your knowledge by moving clients to the cloud.

A growing number of small business owners have their heads “in the cloud” whether they realize it or not. From mobile banking to music streaming, people’s lives are being driven by cloud technology. However, when faced with the decision to move accounting to the cloud, not every business owner is enthusiastic.

Many are still reluctant to embrace the promise of instant software updates and online collaboration with financial partners anytime / anywhere, including accountants. Instead, they see their confidential data, hard work, and livelihood floating around in a digital ether that is unsafe for anyone to walk.

Cloud accounting technology is changing the way QuickBooks provides services to our clients by consultants and accounting professionals. Technology provides the accounting professional and the client with new freedom, new ways of accessing data, and a set of new options. How can we help our customers make good decisions about moving to cloud accounting services?  So, start reading this blog and know the brief details of Move your Clients to the Cloud.

Recommending New Accounting Software

To run an efficient practice, you probably want customers to transition to their preferred cloud accounting software. This will allow you to run a seamless operation and take full advantage of technology features such as:

  • Quick access to customer financial data
  • Easy, online reconciliation of accounts
  • A Dashboard Tracking Key Performance Indicator
  • Secure online collaboration with a single ledger and customers
  • Automating manual bookkeeping tasks such as document collection and data entry

When you recommend new software to your customers, they will see you as an expert. Just be warned that not everyone will adapt to the new technology at the same speed. Moving to the cloud will be a different journey, depending on who you are working with.

Reasons that managed Service Providers should Help their Clients to Cloud-Based Services

Below provide some reasons that help managed service providers should help their clients with cloud-based services. Check the points carefully and know about the reasons of Move your Clients to the Cloud:-


With cloud-based services, clients are able to purchase the right-size and right-priced solutions for where their business currently is. Businesses that are just getting started can begin with a  small amount of cloud storage and computing power, which can then grow and scale along with the business as its needs increase.

Improved Security

While it might feel more intuitive to protect data and information by storing it onsite, cloud host providers are actually far more aware and proactive about security measures than the average business owner. It is literally their job to make sure their cloud platform is secure not just from hackers, but also from rogue users and even current or former employees.

Incredible Flexibility and Mobility

Businesses are no longer restricted to brick and mortar storefronts, so why would their computing needs be tied to a desktop that is hardwired into a server? With cloud services, information can be securely accessed from virtually anywhere with an internet connection, and on any device that a person might be using.

Data Recovery and Lost Prevention

Fire, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and even just regular old power outages can wreak havoc on a business if their data is located on-site, especially when that location is comprised or becomes unsafe. Migrating to the cloud improves your ability to both not lose data, and to recover it more quickly in case of a disaster or unforeseen incident.

Don’t forget that physical disasters are not the only thing that can threaten electronics. Computer viruses, obsolete hardware, theft, and even good old user error have the potential to cripple a business if critical data is only stored in a single location. Using the cloud means that your data is backed up, so if someone spills a cappuccino on their laptop they don’t lose their entire database and bring the whole company to a grinding halt.

Increased Collaboration

The cloud is the perfect solution to improving collaboration and helping your team function like a team should, even if they’re not physically located in the same office space. Cloud computing means that team members can share and view information securely across various platforms, often resulting in improved engagement and interest from employees.

With 15 years of software development and technology consulting under our belt, 729 Solutions is aware that it can be a challenge to keep up with constantly changing technologies. We invest in leading cloud SAAS tools and hire the best solution architects and cloud developers, so you don’t have to. We believe that the best way for MSPs to assist their clients is by ensuring that they have partners with the most talented resources to work with.

Procedure to Move your Clients to the Cloud

Below we have to provide the details of Move your Clients to the Cloud. Here, provide the step by step guide related to this, So, start reading and know about the details of how to Move your Clients to the Cloud:-

Step 1. Inform yourself

Make sure you have the answers to all the questions that your customers can ask about the cloud accounting software you choose – be it Xero, QuickBooks, Sage, or any other option. You want to understand how hosted cloud accounting solutions work.

And are able to explain this to their clients in a simple way. One thing that concerns your customers about cloud solutions is security. Educate yourself on how cloud accounting protects data and be aware of the security policies of your cloud vendor so that you can address any concerns about your customers’ data security.

Step 2. Find your candidates

Every time a new generation of technology emerges – be it electricity, mobile phones, or cloud accounting that means it takes time for people to adjust and some people are more resistant to others.

Researchers have created a technology acceptance model to describe categories of users and they are easily adaptable to technological change. We can conceptualize it as three broad groups of technology users:-

Early Adopters

These people love the new technology and will be the first in the Apple store to buy the latest model of the iPhone. They do not have to deal with the need to learn to use new technology and they may have problems with moving to cloud accounting software in fact, they will not be eager to go.

Early Majority and Late Majority

The early majority take an edge over early adopters and help build critical mass to adopt new technology. The late majority is more skeptical and slow to follow. But both these groups will remain open to the idea of ​​cloud accounting and accept the obvious benefits.

Late Adopters

This group is technology resistant and not a fan of change. Although they may be willing to learn, it may take them a long time to adapt to the new technology and they will often try to give the first indication of a glitch or difficulty. You will have to work hard on these clients.

Not every customer you have will be a good fit for the cloud. Check your list of current clients to evaluate how the value proposition for cloud accounting can be quite high. This may include customers in multiple locations, those who need to access their file from any of their locations at any time. This may also include customers who would like to do their accounts from their tablets. Customers with existing server infrastructure can be good candidates, as well as startups.

Step 3: Take Baby Steps

For more reluctant late adopters, you may need to move more slowly. For those who are committed to their desktop software and data file, yet insist that you drive in their place, small and gradual changes may be the way forward.

Start by familiarizing them with remote access solutions such as LogMeIn, Join. Me or GoToAssist. Once they have seen how easy it is for you to help them remotely, they may be more willing to try cloud-based accounting. Alternatively, late adopters may require you to walk them through every step of the process more in-person meetings or video calls to explain how the transition will work.

Step 4: Arrange an Explanatory Meeting

Once you decide which of your customers are the best candidates to convert to cloud accounting, have a meeting with them. In the meeting, you want to discuss options and go over the pros and cons of cloud accounting solutions. Instead of acting as a vendor for cloud solutions, be more as a trusted advisor – discuss whether this will be of real benefit to them and their business.

Prepare a list of the benefits and go through them with your client. Here are a few for inspiration:-

  • Access anytime, anyplace
  • Always backed up externally
  • No need to install software system upgrades
  • No payments for infrastructure needed
  • Licensing and hosting fees are paid monthly, so there’s no large initial investment
  • No need to send files between client and bookkeeper and accountant
  • Preparation for Making Tax Digital (MTD)

It is useful to talk about other software-specific features that your customers will get from any cloud accounting add-ons you may have experience with such as Fluidly.

Discuss with your customer the value you place on each of the benefits you discuss. Present the cost option and see what the value proposition is. Do they think they are getting value for money? Do benefits outweigh costs? Let the client decide whether the action is right for them and let them know the steps involved. Be sure to include everything they need to do and the time frame for implementation.

One of the most effective ways to build a customer is to see their potential benefits by giving them real-world examples. Using a case study shows them how a business can save time and money using cloud solutions and give them examples of added value that you will be able to offer them through cloud accounting. Explain what other services you will be able to offer due to the cloud.

Step 5: Challenges

Finally, your customers’ cloud software journey will face challenges and hiccups. This is unavoidable, as with any accounting solution, and you can prepare for it. Compliance issues may occur during set up, data security concerns may arise from the idea of ​​cloud accounting or they simply may not like the idea of ​​moving to new software.

Once they have benefited from this move and get the most out of their existing systems, repeat them as well as additional tasks that will enable you to remotely access your data for them once.

Final Thought

Hope you like this article, and have the knowledge to move your clients to the cloud. This method will help you a lot to manage this process. So follow it carefully, you can also get our support if you need help regarding this topic. We are always with you to help you.

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